Trump’s Memorial Day Post: Attacks Biden as ‘Human Scum’

Former President of the US - Donald Trump | Credits: The New York Times
Former President of the US - Donald Trump | Credits: The New York Times

United States: On Memorial Day, former President Trump opted for a contentious tone, directing his ire towards the adjudicators presiding over his legal battles and disparaging his political adversaries as “human scum.”

In a solemn post on Truth Social commemorating the fallen, Trump swiftly pivoted to a diatribe against President Biden and the jurists in a protracted declaration.

Extending his Memorial Day greetings to all, Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate, penned on Truth Social, “Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is toiling so diligently to dismantle our Once Great Country,” as reported by The Hill.

Singling out Judge Lewis Kaplan, Trump branded him a “Radical Left, Trump Deriding Federal Judge.” Kaplan oversaw two defamation suits brought forth by author E. Jean Carroll, resulting in Trump’s defeat and a mandate to pay over USD 80 million in damages. Trump is contesting the verdict.

Additionally, the former President assailed Judge Arthur Engoron, who presided over a civil trial for business fraud in New York, culminating in Trump being fined over USD 450 million. Trump derided Engoron as a “zealot” and insinuated similar attacks forthcoming against the adjudicator of his ongoing criminal trial concerning hush money, Juan Merchan.

This declaration stands in stark contrast to President Biden’s demeanor, who delivered a solemn address at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. Biden seized the occasion to reflect on the loss of his son, Beau Biden, who succumbed to brain cancer believed to be linked to exposure to hazardous substances during his military service in the Iraq War.

“I understand the pain,” Biden conveyed to the families of fallen soldiers. “The agony remains real. Still fresh. This week marks nine years since I lost my son Beau,” as per The Hill.

“The anguish of his loss lingers with me every day, as it does with you,” he articulated, adding, “Still acute. Still vivid. Yet, so is the pride I harbor in his service. Almost as if I can still hear him asserting, ‘It’s my obligation, Dad. It’s my obligation.'”

Numerous congressional leaders echoed sentiments of remembrance and appreciation on the holiday, issuing statements on Monday.