This upcoming presidential debate marks a significant historical moment as it sets the stage for a face-off between the current holder of the highest office and a past occupant. ...

Trump is forging a distinctive path by eschewing traditional mock debates in favor of intensive policy discussions with Republican allies and potential VP contenders. ...

Whistleblowers revealed to Senators Grassley and Johnson that John Kerry used a pseudonymous government email during the Obama administration, raising national security concerns. ...

House Republicans have leveled accusations against Hunter Biden, claiming he exploited his father's position as vice president to evade scrutiny from the SEC. ...

Israeli forces exhibited a breakneck creative video showing the four-year-olds held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza rescued over the weekend. ...

In a recent survey, a significant majority of registered voters expressed support for a national initiative aimed at deporting undocumented immigrants. ...

A recent poll revealed former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard as the leading choice for Donald Trump's running mate, highlighting Trump's strategic approach. ...

The recent revelations surrounding the Biden administration's alleged exploitation of the SBA to sway the outcome of the upcoming 2024 election have sparked widespread concern and scrutiny. ...

Hamas issues a plea for a ceasefire, signaling a shift in their stance. The move comes as a surprise, considering their previous resistance to such negotiations. ...

The recent revelation of the Democratic National Committee's clandestine financial support for Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo exposes a troubling pattern of partisan manipulation within the legal system. ...